Australia is a land of opportunity for pharmacists seeking to expand their careers in the field of pharmacy. Pharmacists can build a rewarding career in Australia with the help of various programs that provide pathways to obtain professional registration and start working in the country.

One such program is the Pharmacists Pathway to Australia, which is designed for internationally trained pharmacists who wish to practice pharmacy in Australia. The program is run by the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC), which is the national accreditation body for pharmacy education and training in Australia.

The Pharmacists Pathway to Australia program is divided into three stages. In the first stage, pharmacists must undergo a preliminary assessment of their qualifications and experience. This includes a review of their academic transcripts, professional registration, and work experience. If the applicant meets the eligibility criteria, they can proceed to the next stage.

The second stage involves sitting for the written and practical assessment. The written assessment tests the applicant's knowledge of pharmacy practice in Australia, while the practical assessment evaluates their ability to apply this knowledge in a simulated pharmacy environment. Successful completion of these nassessments leads to the third and final stage.

In the third stage, applicants must undergo a period of supervised practice in an approved pharmacy in Australia. The length of the supervised practice period varies depending on the applicant's level of experience and competency. During this period, the applicant works under the guidance of a supervisor who assesses their performance and provides feedback.

Upon completion of the supervised practice period, the applicant can apply for registration with the Pharmacy Board of Australia, which is the national regulatory body for pharmacy practice in Australia. Once registered, pharmacists can work in a variety of settings, including community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, and industry.

The Pharmacists Pathway to Australia program is an excellent opportunity for internationally trained pharmacists to expand their careers and gain valuable experience in a new environment. With the support of the APC and other organizations, pharmacists can achieve their goals of practicing pharmacy in Australia and contributing to the health and wellbeing of the Australian community.


Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to apply as a registered pharmacist in Australia, you must meet the following criteria:

Hold a recognized pharmacy degree: You must have completed a pharmacy degree that is recognized by the Pharmacy Board of Australia. The degree should have been completed within the last 10 years, or you must have worked as a registered pharmacist in a recognized country for at least three of the last five years.

Meet the English language requirements: You must be proficient in the English language. You can demonstrate this by either completing an approved English language test or by holding an approved qualification from an English-speaking country.

Have completed an internship: You must have completed a supervised internship in Australia or a recognized country. The internship should be at least 1,824 hours in length and cover a range of pharmacy practice areas.

Pass the Australian pharmacy exam: You must pass the Australian pharmacy exam, which is administered by the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC). The exam includes both written and practical components.

Meet the registration standards: You must meet the registration standards set by the Pharmacy Board of Australia. This includes meeting the standards for criminal history, professional indemnity insurance, continuing professional development, and recency of practice.

It is also important to note that the registration process and requirements may differ depending on the state or territory in which you wish to practice. It is recommended that you check the specific requirements for your state or territory before applying for registration.


Required documents

To apply for registration as a pharmacist in Australia, you will need to provide the following documents:

  1. Proof of identity: You will need to provide proof of your identity, such as a passport or driver's license.
  2. Proof of qualifications: You will need to provide evidence of your pharmacy degree, such as a certified copy of your academic transcripts.
  3. English language proficiency: If English is not your first language, you will need to provide evidence of your English language proficiency, such as a score from an approved English language test.
  4. Internship completion: You will need to provide evidence of completion of your supervised internship, including the number of hours completed and the areas of practice covered.
  5. Australian pharmacy exam results: You will need to provide evidence of your results from the Australian pharmacy exam, which is administered by the Australian Pharmacy Council.
  6. Criminal history check: You will need to provide a current criminal history check from your country of residence or any other country where you have lived for more than six months.
  7. Professional indemnity insurance: You will need to provide proof of professional indemnity insurance, which is required for registration as a pharmacist in Australia.
  8. Continuing professional development: You will need to provide evidence of your participation in continuing professional development activities, which is a requirement for maintaining your registration as a pharmacist in Australia.

It is important to note that the specific documents required may vary depending on the state or territory in which you wish to practice. It is recommended that you check the specific requirements for your state or territory before applying for registration.


Eligible countries

To be eligible to apply for registration as a pharmacist in Australia, you must hold a recognized pharmacy degree from a country that is recognized by the Pharmacy Board of Australia. The following countries are currently recognized by the Board:

  1. Canada
  2. New Zealand
  3. Republic of Ireland
  4. United Kingdom
  5. United States of America
  6. South Africa
  7. Singapore
  8. Hong Kong
  9. Sweden

If you hold a pharmacy degree from a country that is not on this list, you may still be eligible to apply for registration, but you will need to undergo a formal assessment of your qualifications and experience to determine if your degree is equivalent to an Australian pharmacy degree. This assessment is conducted by the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) as part of the Pharmacists' Gateway program.