70 Must-Know Medical Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms

  • Medical terms 
  • Medical prefixes and suffixes 
  • Medical root words 
  • Medical abbreviations and acronyms 

Medical Terms:

1)   Abrasion: Often not major cuts or scrapes.

2)   Abscess: A tissue pocket that develops in a sore, fluid-filled state as a result of infection.

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3)   Acute Indicates a condition with a sudden onset, which may be severe but lasts just a brief time.

4)   Benign: Not carcinogenic.

5)   Biopsy: A little piece of tissue that is taken for analysis.

6)   Chronic Indicates a persistent, recurrent problem, such as heart disease.

7)   Contusion: An injury.

8)   Defibrillator: A medical device that restores a healthy heartbeat via electric shocks.

9)   Edema: Swelling brought on by a buildup of fluid

10)    EmbolismArtery obstruction frequently brought on by a blood clot.

11)    Epidermis: The skin's outermost layer.

12)    Prognosis: The anticipated result of illness development and treatment.

13)    Relapse: Sickness or symptoms that reappeared after a patient had recovered.

14)    Sutures: Stitches, which are put in place to connect tissues as they recover.

15)    TransplantThe transplantation of an organ or piece of tissue from one body into another.

16)    Vaccine A chemical that increases the synthesis of antibodies to protect against sickness.

17)    Zoonotic disease: A disease that can be transferred from animals to people.

18)    Inpatient A patient who needs to be hospitalized.

19)    Outpatient: Anyone who receives medical attention without being admitted to a hospital.

20)    Malignant The presence of cancerous cells is indicated.

Also Read :- Vancomycin || Clinical Drug Profile of Vancomycin

Medical prefixes and suffixes:

1.     A-, an-: Instead of or not having.

2.     -ation: A process is indicated.

3.     Dys-: Unusual, challenging, or painful.

4.     -ectomy: an operation to remove something.

5.     -ismus: A contraction or spasm is indicated.

6.     -itis: the word "itis" denotes inflammation.

7.     -lysis: The breakdown, destruction, or destruction of something.

8.     Macro-: Being very large.

9.     Melan/o-: Colors that are black or dark.

10. Micro-:  little in size.

11. -ology: The study of a certain area of interest.

12. -osis: A sign of anything aberrant.

13. -otomy: To cut into.

14. -pathy: illness or the process of illness.

15. -plasty: A surgical fix

16. Poly-.Many.

17. Pseudo-: False or deceitful, typically relating to appearance.

18. Retro-: Backward or retrograde.